Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 26, 2011 - Sept Monthly Member's Meeting

We had demonstration by Mel and Edwin on planting and repotting, as well as hands-on training for all the participants.  Great fun!  Also, fantastic refreshments for the intermission - thank you!

Opening with AOC president Calvin

Meeting starting - serious orchid faces

Mel talking orchid - so much to learn from!

Dave's Honohono flask on sale for $20 - what a deal!!  Another great benefit only for club members.

We love orchids...

Mel's demonstration & admiring members

Mel & Edwin for old time's sake

Edwin & his beautiful grand daughter on planting demonstration - orchid runs in his family (and the beauty, too).

Fun time!  You get to try planting!

Having fun!

A great opportunity to learn the right way directly from the orchid masters.

Calvin says these will be ready for a show in 5 years.

Hands-on training ... gotta try out different medias

Members' plants

Intermission - desserts are another thing to look forward to...

Deseased plant - no good.  Mel says, "Throw away."

Planting lab finished products!