Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2014 Windward Orchid Show ticket

Windward Orchid Show - coming up on March 21 - 23, 2014!
Mark the calendar!

2014 Feb meeting - Little Fire Ant brochure

2014 Feb monthly meeting

Thank you, Christie, for the presentation on fire ants. Also, our speaker of the month, Scot gave us an excellent speach on Brassia. Thank you! Congratulations Calvin for being selected the Orchidist of the year! Did you see him blush!? I did!!! 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2014 February Newsletter

February monthly meeting will be on February 24th.  See you there!

Japan Grand Prix International Orchid Festival 2014!

What a great show! This epi is the grand prize winner this year.  The show is huge!  The whole baseball field is filled with beautiful orchids!  Must see!!